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The Bench Press Number One

 The Bench Press Number One
Here a rank list of the best exercises for a better chest on personal experience and the training is based of Top article IFBB professional Bodybuilder. This is not necessarily a determination of the practice order, but the exercises, which is most effective for muscle fiber recruitment and the adjustment of the group of muscles. Exercise order will be always determined by stabilization requirement secondary groups of muscles. Isolation exercises, while they may align groups of muscles purposefully, should be accomplished still later into training. # 10 Decline bank printings (Kurzhanteln and flying) Coming at place 10 are the decrease presses and fly movements. They were like, because many athletes had the impression that the movement could increase the thickness in lower chest and to leave it was to look in such a way like their chest lower. However, if one has itself the training of Regimen types such as Arnold and Top professionals today the large lower pec development to do it had really nothing with decrease movements. Mostly is " Form" Their breast muscles determines my genetics, thus if you do not fly over the training of article Wettkampfbodybuilder this movement everywhere will be found are. It can be nevertheless useful for adding of abundance, around their lower breast muscles. Also in the sport specific applications Gewichtheben, is the decrease bank does without. # 9 Hantel sweater The Hantel sweater is won an exercise, the much popularity before a few years had with Bodybuilder, which were trained by old school guru. But today it is a movement, which is outside of the routine of many Top Bodybuilder with a large chest. You became many theories behind it effectiveness which extension of the thorax and thus the supply add from more surface to the breast muscle are included, and by chest abundance. The area far away as the most important for the increase the appearance of the abundance is however that the upper breast musculature. The most effective use of the Hantel sweater becomes to always as concluding movement for adding from abundance part their lower breast muscles, and works you serratus anterior. # 8 diagonal bank Kurzhantel flying This is a very popular Finishing movement for upper breast muscles with professional the Bodybuilder is seen however not so much with spare time Bodybuilder. It aims on the upper breast range, which is the largest responsibility for the increase the appearance of abundance in the upper breast range. However it is " one; Fliege" - Movement, which puts a small range of the chest of goals and to more tension on the Rotatorenmanschette than the flat bank to fly. It is very simple into the target area of the upper chest with this movement, why it is behind # 7, which the upper pec wire links is falls, to miss. It is still large conclusion a movement for the development the upper breast range the whole way over. However the danger of injury is high, and it is to be missed very simply into the target area. # 7 Upper Pec wire links The upper pec wire links is not a movement, which can to fly so much of a load on upper breast muscles as diagonal bank the Kurzhantel supply, but that meets it inside upper breast muscles each mark and simply a pump for this range. This makes it a large Finishing movement for the adjustment their upper breast range and it is easy, with the sentences and repetitions because of that nearly does not existent for injury risk to play. The most important of it to remind, with this movement not with its Bizeps elevator is. The most frequent error is of those, those at the end with a larger pump in their Bizeps than made in their chest. Remember, your arms always extend out before you and lock you the elbow, in order to hold the focus on their breast muscles. Do you want a large chest? You cannot go with inclination Langhantel press wrongly. # 6 flying with Kurzhanteln Flying ones with Kurzhanteln are in the coming at place 6 behind the wire links for one of the main causes, which is the inability, the time under tension increases for this exercise. Time under tension in bodybuilding ever more importantly nascently, because the rise of the IGF-1 assigned, and the muscle fibers, which come with it. To the decrease of the speed, with the Hantel fly one implemented to mean, the increase of the load of the Rotatorenmanschette, which one would have sufficiently worked fatigue before their breast muscles is.
# 5 wire links The wire links are direct in the coming on # 5 because of the ease, with that you to slow down can rate of motion and on the Brustflossen during the training. The key to this movement is it to hold their for breast muscles under tension and everything that you can do from each RAP crimpings. The only real trouble with this movement is on always two cables also, if you in work waits overcrowded gymnasium. A further mad thing over this movement is the possibility, the angle, with that you settles your frequency switches, so that outside breast muscles or the lower breast muscles you can meet to vary.
# 4 Hantel bank/diagonal bank The Hantel work for your chest is very good because of the missing load of the Trizeps and the ability to reconciliation of your Kraft on the right and left side. Kurzhanteldrücken are always highly recommended for that one, the questions reconciliation of a Langhantel. They do not become in the situation, so much weight with Hanteln however due to the balance demand of this movement bring elevator. At the end the standard still bank printings is ideal to the increase Kraft in the torso.
# 3 Chest press machine/Smith Machine Bench press One can surprise this of few humans, is the reason, it at place 3 out, because the direct course on the breast musculature and the freedom, the speed of the movement, without steering the additional load for the Rotatorenmanschette or front Schultermuskeln. The ability, the entire load is missing on the torso, for an increase of the firmness like bank printings leads to place. But the breast press is a popular Finishing movement for many Bodybuilder, because can do it and contract Squeeze each last drop from their chest and the illegal unbelievable pump like no other chest can exercise. Lead isolation exercises last.
# 2 Langhantel bank printings That is correct, the people movement of all times for your chest comes at place three. So far sport specific application and building Kraft in the torso, is that bank printings still king. Also, because it is a heavy weight free movement, it becomes still one of the first exercises, which become you in its chest routine. The problem with the Langhantel bank printings is that, if people use it around alleged it builds its chest it at the end forces you heavy weight and distribution for much of the load on their Trizeps and front delta muscle. With weight to control lighters and the movement down is a good way slows, in order to increase its effectiveness. It many simpler to reduce those " Elevator as much weight as " - Mentality behind that bank printings, if it not the first sentence in your routine.
# 1 diagonal bank Smith Machine/bar Bell press Like before in this article, which best way, around which appearance of the abundance in their Brustflossen increase is discussed the inclination Hantel to press. This is not to be said however that thereby diagonal bank printings alone will improve your chest. This movement is the number one on the list, because if you reached a plateau in the chest development, that is the movement, which is further focused on the development. If one looks oneself the routines of many professional Bodybuilder, you are specified to see this as the first sentence in many of their routines. That is not to be said however that large Brustflossen have, by them the upward gradient movement first built. Genetics plays a large role with the development of different groups of muscles and it gives still Bodybuilder to believe those in the focusing on the chest as a whole and not the organization into the different parts during a routine. Result As explained in the opening, this is a rank list of the best movements for chest and it is not necessarily a determination of the practice order (although many Bodybuilder the inclination press first, and the fat bank second employment). It basedly on the most popular/effectively movements for the supply of improvements in the breast muscles is based. Everyone is different, the best way, in order to find out, what improves personally its chest development is with a routine, which the bases experiment and then you with extended routines to break through plateaus enclosure start. Free weights pressures movements only of it remind, not of you gotten caught in the play with numbers. If you remember, bodybuilding go not around it, " as much you lift können" It goes around it, " like much you you would like to know to lift Look". Your figure will many continue to carry the use of the correct form and correct lifting a cadence as the use of weight, which too heavily for you, only because its partner lifting has it is.