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Build a Big Back

Build a Big Back
There is nothing more beautiful than breath-taking, how develops well back: And the lower back shines for muscles twist everywhere like a road map, broadly like a Lats jet, like a Christmas tree. For me defined A, again fully is developed one of the most amazing things into all bodybuilding. Historically people always say, Samir Bannout were one the first Bodybuilder show clearly the lower back, or M. erector spinae, in the competition: that would be 1982 and 1983 is the year won it the Olympia. There is also a picture of Arnold of its best years in the 70's in its encyclopedia shows clearly, how M. reminds erector spinae, fixed and me of Christmas mornings! Indeed its entire back sees amazingly that picture! Both men had large men backs. ; Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler, Ronnie Coleman, Dexter Jackson, to call over only some very much Lee Haney, which admits for its large width lat was: Progress in history, is not well-known few top people for large backs. Indeed, a weak back whether you compete, are or not a rather serious weak point that a large difference, as lets you look. After all, which kind of Bodybuilder not far, torching Lats? Naturally has the back to thick to be, as good. And don't we forget the traps, what is good a weak musculature most places? Training of the back can be a considerable challenge, not so much because of the size of the back, but more, because the back musculature cannot feel many humans to work, if they train. This is a very frequent reason, why the people have a weak back. They cannot see, those again, if you train like that are it to feel difficult, Bizeps are strongly in all back exercises involved, so often you a large Bizeps pump get and little different one. The secret under the Bizeps from the picture is to visualize it like hooks. The other secret is to begin all movements with the back musculature instead of pulling with the arms. If for a long time enough has you training become you flex each muscle on. They begin each back school by bending the back first and pulling with the back musculature first. In this way you the back musculature function themselves. If continues in such a way, around a problem, you can try two things: thumbless grasp and/or loading hook. The Bizeps from it knows both options, by more weights on the back. A further reason, why humans do not have weak backs are it simply hard enough to train with sufficient weight. If you need thickness, you must use a heavy weight on rudder exercises. Does a problem spread? Other one then a problem with using points, which " in; high" Lats devoted can work, must you course movements hard. Now notice I say to enough weight - not too much. Course heavily, but not so heavily, you too would amount to, over the bar do not rise and from there muscles from the movement. Anatomy OF The bake Knowledge, which a muscle does, is crucially correct for the training. In this sense you leave a view of the anatomy of the back to us: Trapezius The Trapezius is covered a very broadly triangular muscle, that nearly all muscles at the neck and a large part of the back. It originates from the OS occipitale at the head basis and in the Schulterblatt and clavicle assigned. The fibers of this muscle offer pull in three directions: , down above and in. It is the task to turn the head and lifts you the shoulders. Many humans train traps with the shoulders. I prefer these, but for the purposes of this article I will also again take up it. Rhomboideus major/Minor rhomboideus The lozenges at the spinal column come and attach themselves to the center of the Schulterblattes. Their function is it the Schulterblatt toward spinal column brings together to press literally on the Schulterblätter. Teres major This muscle develops at the outside edge of the Schulterblattes and measures those humorously. It serves to pull the arm back. Muscular Ripped Bodybuilder back Broad back muscle This is the largest muscle of the back. Fan or " V" - , offer them Kraft in a set of body attitudes. The same positions can be duplicated on Pull down machine with different angles, i.e., you can straight downward pull, or in any back-leaned position. They are fastened to the upper end of the humorous and run you the spinal column and basin belt. The function of this muscle is, the arm pulls downward. If the arm in a firm position can pull, then the Lats the arm upward. Erector A group of muscles, which give support, around the spinal column. This muscles are: , and . The function is to be extended to the spinal column. As you can see, the back is rather complicated. It nevertheless returns, those to two kinds of movements the work: Pull down movements and rudders movements. Then there are power moves, like the cross lifting, snatch and power to clean. These movements are rather a whole body exercise, them work much more than the backs. I was always a large supporter of it at least one of it in your routine, not only because of all muscles her to work, but also because of the fact, they cause a dramatic rise of the bodies the natural production of anabolen hormones such as Testosteron and growth hormone.