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Rest Pause Technique

Rest Pause Technique
Of all techniques intensity gives, has I two favorites: Drop set and Ruhepause. Drop sets are a quantity fun and can a normal set take and it to a brutal, but they have a large disadvantage: For many exercises you need two Spotter to plates take off. Now, if it two training partners, which is greatly, but which, if, how I, train you alone have? It will not pass, that is which! Give Ruhepause. This technology has a long history and a row of variations. In this article we become in this view, and I give you a routine with some the variations presented. Most humans would retrace this technology to Mike Mentzer and its original Heavy Duty program. While admits the origins of this technology are, it is to be said surely, it is for a long time before Heavy Duty. Arnold uses a variant that it into the 70' s and Joe again called one its " Prinzipien" , after it. If one considers that he naming and organization of its " Again Prinzipien" rather early in its career, is it began surely to be said, around this technology for approximately 60 years. As point of reference the again principles observations Joe became again the different techniques and ideas the Bodybuilder of the 50' s and 60' s uses, by being worthwhile itself her as something new and saw. It called everyone and organizes it in " Again System". At that time, when I began, that is everything that you in its magazines seen and you were the impression, which it invented everyone of them given. Indeed it does not have to really invent it and it is not a system in the pure sense, but it is a valid organization of ideas. There are quite a few versions of Ruhepause. The version most humans know would be, how Arnold it was used: like you on your equipment, you do not take 5-10 second " Remainder Pause" and Knock out a few more repetitions. Take further 5-10 seconds of break and Knock out few a more, to you can not of the place of the bar. The original again remainder break principle differs a good deal: with 85-90 per cent of the max, 2-3 repetitions want and put the weight downward. Then you should 2-3 further, peace, 2-3 and more peace for altogether of 3-4 remainder break. The short Ruhe-Pausen sufficient time for the ATP its again synthesized and make further repetitions possible with the heavy weight. Here is the Mike Mentzer version, also technology likes as strength: to vacate the waste products and bring with a weight that one would permit everything out maximally rep, it then 10 seconds of break permits this sufficient time for muscles new Kraftstoff-und oxygen, then it could have wanted to help all of this from another rep. after the second repetition and further 10 seconds of break it its training partner it, another representative from all, otherwise it would have to reduce the weight around 20%. It will then peace 15 seconds and this its last all from rep. this became as a sentence, with each repetition of the sentence becomes to a comprehensive effort. An easy modification of these is with a weight, 3 repetitions makes possible the employment. If you lead one rep and rack the weight 15 seconds long, and you lead one unrack more rep, shelves again for 15 seconds, go for altogether 5 repetitions in this way. This version can be changed in almost arbitrary way: They can you count 8 or 10, can for 6-8 repetitions as well as 3-5 repetitions shoot. My method of the Ruhepause is it at the end of a sentence as means to the extension the sentence, counts to 8, and this as many repetitions as I knows, counts to 8, again thereby as many repetitions as I can and so on 3 or 4 times. My strict application would be a 3RM weight use, must as many repetitions as possible, rack of the bar and count to 10, further in this way, to I loss affected. We look ourselves some the other variants:
* Variant # 1
- poundage for the number of repetitions, which it flat max for 75% that, to do exercise selected in a normal sentence of you. Example - if it bank printings 225 for 10, employment 170 lbs. DO 10 repetitions, peace 10 seconds, DO 9 repetitions, remainder of 10 seconds, this 8 repetitions and so on to a repetition.
* Variant # 2
- determining you poundage you 10 repetitions by you selected of the exercise with to make can. Do not add 10% more weight on the bar - 10 kg, 10% more weight. DO of 6 sentences with 10 repetitions. After the first sentence, remainder of 15 seconds. After each sentence, 15 seconds of break add the remaining. Write more weights, if the 6 sentences of 10 seems simply. My version of this would be with 60 seconds of break begins, then decrease each sentence the rest period of 10 seconds! Why facilitate? Make it harder!
*Variant # 3
- with a weight, which makes 3 repetitions possible of you selected exercise, lead a representative, rack of the bar with 10 pieces, you 2 repetitions, rack the measuring pole for 10 count and so on, to you 10 repetitions meet.