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Growth of Muscle

Growth of Muscle
What thus is the best way, in order to reach Hypertrophie? The reality is that only one kind of Hypertrophie, and you do not have different kinds of training of doing the two kinds of Hypertrophie a goal. What are the two kinds? Hypertrophie can be divided into two main types: Myofibrille Hypertrophie. Myofibrillen are essentially bundles Myofilamente (the kontraktilen parts of a muscle, the parts, which " Pull"). They are found in each fiber skeleton muscle. Each muscle cell contains many Myofibrillen. Myofibrille Hypertrophie steps due to an overloading stimulus (it lift over your body to use) that is valid for trauma to the individual muscle fibers. Their body treats this as an injury and as such overcompensated during the re-establishment by the increase of the volume and the density of the Myofibrillen, so that " Verletzung" do not arise again. This is one of the reasons, why overload must hold you, further profits. Sarkoplasmati Hypertrophie. The Sarkoplasma becomes Fluid-und energy sources that the Myofibrillen in the muscle surrounds. It contains things such as ATP, Glykogen, creatine phosphate and water. Increase of the size of the blood vessels, which ensure blood to the muscles also to sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie are taken up and generally called capillirisation. This is done much in the same way as Myofibrille Hypertrophie, via its body over compensation during the recovery phase after the energy sources during the training used up. Therefore increases the energy stores like ATP and Glykogen for exhaustion during training. Muscle Hypertrophie prevent Ok one, thus I knows the two types. What are the best possibilities, in order to reach both? Before I come up I that you want stress: Do not select the weight for your coworkers the repetitions for your weight. Progressive force training or progressive overloading refers to practice the constantly growing pressure to the muscle put, like it the situation is, more Kraft becomes or has more perseverance. (S.J. Fleck and Kraemer W.J., 1997). This means the fact that you use weights and rep is enough that you fight also. They should itself a weight, you the straight only completely can the desired repetitions for. Select not a weight and get nearly the repetitions, which are necessary, or one, which too brightly that one is final many more repetitions. Thus for 12 rep exercise, selects you a weight that one straight only completely the 12 repetitions. Myofibrille Hypertrophie training: Force training with 80% + your 1RM and repetitions in the 3-8 row with 2-4 minutes of break bring the largest changes in myofibrillären volumes and density. Therefore, if you want to reach Myofibrille Hypertrophie, you must lift heavily. The more heavily the weights lift you the more muscle fibers to be recruited and again damaged. However, those between 3-5 repetitions hold like each lower and it are recommended are above all neuromuscular adjustments to improve that the athletes firmness, instead of by Myofibrille Hypertrophie (Zatsiorsky, 1995). " Indeed small repetitions are essential for the reaching of maximum Wachstum" - Charles Poliquin 1997. Sarkoplasmati Hypertrophie training: Sarkoplasmati Hypertrophie is by what as tiredness training were obtained. Fatigue training is with an intensity ~ training 75% of your 1 RM with repetitions within the range of 10-15 and short Ruhepausen 45-90 seconds. It is after like tiredness training, there it fast and directly uses a quantity of the stored energy into the muscle cells and fatigues the musculature. With the choice of the height of the sentences for their training you to consider the time under tension must. It is a minimum at time under tension for Muskelhypertrophie arises necessarily. By these it is generally necessarily, over altogether more sentences for its training routine than its higher rep tiredness training program final. In tiredness training it time under tension more largely its than the immediate energy for the order. Your ATP and creatine phosphate are stored the most direct energy sources for at short notice anaerobic exercise. These are however very short term and as such in 7-10 seconds are exhausted. After this your body will reduce Glykogen for power production, lactic acid will produce (those to burn). Therefore you must maintain a time under a tension of over 10 seconds per sentence in tiredness training. The inclusion the slower of the repetitions or methods like the same muscle of supersets is a good possibility of reaching this. Why can I train both within only one repetition range? There is a spectrum, by which Myofibrillen and sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie arise:
* 1-5 Reps - lead to a maximum increase of the relative strength and Myofibrille recruitment.
* 6-8 repetitions - producing it the best medium between Myofibrillen and sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie.
* 9-12 Reps - increase sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie at the maximum speed.
*> 15 repetitions - you lie within the range of the force perseverance, where Hypertrophie wins slowly. Myofibrille damage is not only bei> to stop; 12 repetitions happen, but it is recruited in smaller measure and with fewer muscle fibers than when low repetitions. Do we say it in such a way, why you should not with a repetition, in that you itself always maximum profits either in sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie or Myofibrille course? If it both maximally course without dying lying profits in the other one. I will explain, how can be further down achieved this. Ok one, Myofibrille Hypertrophie is thus reached best by force training and sarkoplasmatischen Hypertrophie by material fatigue training. What is the best way, in order to reach both?