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Intensification and Accumulation

Intensification and Accumulation
We all know, what should over training and it in any case is in such a way avoided, correctly? Over training can lead to the loss of muscle mass and Kraft by increased injury risk accompanied. More still, it often also emotional symptoms such as depressions and can actually only devastatingly on the body-own immune system. That is really sometimes hard all rather serious thing and nothing to laughter that breaking out of a over training period can. But which is with " kontrollierten" Over training? Which, if we right take ourselves could on " Kante" from over training and then something new in would bring, in order to avoid us by actually the point reached, from over training to? Now, I can say to you that such an animal exists and it is called accumulation and intensification. This other kind is essentially " to say; controlled ." The philosophy is that one gradually structure of your training with reduced volume rest periods, to it over training meet. This high level of the training (right before over training) is, where fast results can be obtained. If you change this level meet, you you then up to small volume, for more quiescent period training, those drastically increase can strength, like your body recover from the higher volumes training. It is a killer framework evidentially effective years of Top level coach and coach. We throw a more exact view. The beginning has itself for a very long time and by some well-known names such as Charles bodybuilding Poliquin and Charlie Francis had been used. It was also very popular with world-famous bodybuilding coach in the former Eastern Bloc countries. Also a good deal research on this beginning was made, then there is some sound science behind it. The entire concept is really rather simply for several weeks you pumps your work load by the increase of your training with reduced volumes of your rest period between the sentences nearly up to the point, from over training comes. This is, which " as; Akkumulation" Phase admits - you are the increase of the demand on your body each day. As soon as you get on the point from over training to, it is time, by the training and the increase of the volume rest periods between the sentences. While you do this, start even with heavier weights. This is " Intensivierung" Part the concept. The purpose of the intensification component is it, you to move " in the Ausbildung." This under training phase can recover your body complete from the accumulation and intensification phases, before you begin it Kick again and at the whole body. During the training phase under, you really shorten your training. There is a multiplicity of different beginnings exercise can you during the saving phase use. Important thing to remind is that this one period, in which you do higher volumes and fewer repetitions with weights more easily than what you are otherwise with emphasis are. They must also your rest periods more briefly during the saving phase than became you in a normal training phase. As you move by the saving phase, you can push your body toward over training by increase of the number of repetitions and the decrease of the rest periods between the sentences. They can increase but do the weight, only if one is the number of repetitions you increased by approx. 20% does - and then you only increase your weight of no more than five per cent. De-shop is, where your body gets finally the break of its longing been. During the next phase the training units are many more " to make us; intensiv" , which naturally also the name " Intensivierung" comes. The goal of this phase is on lower volume, higher intensity beginning with the training takes over. They want to make fewer sentences, with more weights really build you your size and strength. Compared with the saving phase, you will be longer rest periods. The de-shop or in the training phase of the accumulation and intensification is, where your body gets the break is finite it longing been. This part is absolutely necessary, because your body needs time around itself to rest and recover. Dependent on each particular, the undertraining phase becomes last two three weeks ago ago. For most boys, after two weeks are sufficient de-loading, but it will vary from a person to the next. It is important to note that this phase does not " Urlaub" and it is not a free license to go and hang into the into the chat with your friends. They must still work, but on clearly lower intensity than one of the two preceding phases. This is a fundamental overview of the accumulation and intensification beginning with the training. If it itself for something else, which to search, should you to this a chance will supply outstanding results give. Indeed chap coach nod Nilsson is an author muscle mass building program named WAD Scientist Muscle, those out puts a beautiful training plan for you on basis of this training principle.