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What You Lift

What You Lift
I am safe, many of you know the sentence " You are which you is". Outside of the genetic some people have, them permit to eat, them to want, this sentence is valid for what until today. Which means it that, if one constantly eats healthy and it sees you your calorie supply, well as the chances that not only in your appearance, but in the own discipline, if it comes around the health generally will strike down. However unhealthy eating habits also manifest themselves in your appearance (if you are blessed with a fast metabolism and cannot increase in weight, all the same which you eats) and there is no magic pill or regime, which you eat, which you want permitted without thereby the consequences. From there the sentence: " You are which you isst". Thus next time you see a commercial and a Fitness model or a sportsman on a Burger (if one it to imagine, which to last nearly Food advertising spots I with professional athletes saw, has it to eat not as much as roast) chomping, to thoughts over the reality of the situation. And next time, if you go to load up to diet Whiskey on a diet, and you with your friends to drink, and Cola does not help much. Alcohol is 7 calories per gram (only in second place to fat, 9 calories per gram is). Keep also in the eye the fact that alcohol has a direct binding to bad eating habits and leads to a increased calorie consumption
(1). We go back to the motive to the hand are the reason now, why I with this sentence opens, because investigations show that this principle is valid both for . Many humans do not recognize, these however, and humans, who do not want to bear it, in the Fitnessstudio, if they say their goals to the increase of the firmness, and then jump them on the run volume and run. Or that one, which is their goal Hypertrophie says, but it lifts so heavily that the time under tension for their muscles needs, over at size increases is inexistent, because they move the weight too fast. Adjustments at exercise begin at first training, and you do not only have to learn, what routine to avoid, which you for the adjustment you need, but you must also learn, which kinds from training to prevent that her from reaching your goals. Adjustments for Kraft and Ausdauer are separate perfectly and during the two can on up to a certain degree be improved, one can not everywhere receive proximity of maximization of your profits for both at the same time
(2). Roofridge, let' s discuss, why long duration is steady state Cardio of detrimental absolute increase in value into force. If you drove through, experience steady state Cardio their body physiological changes that the and heart cycle perseverance, which can increase positive values. But the prominent figures type of the I (slow twitch) muscle fibers will likewise increase. The quantity of type I, type II A (fast) and type IIb (fast contracting, glykolytischen) your body is hereditary
(3). However a study showed made by researchers in Switzerland that the perception increases the Mitochondrien and aerobe capacity of all fiber types
(4) to a bicycle for 30 minutes 5 times per week for 6 weeks (it was made steady state as perseverance sport). While this may sound like a good thing, is not it, if your goal is for the increase of the firmness. If you train, there is a hierarchy of the energy sources to produce the ATP (energy source for all cellular reactions). For the purposes of the weights to lift, which you must know, it is that creatine phosphate can convert ATP fast and is the most important source for energy for movements, those is explosive (heavy property under 8 repetitions, Sprints etc.). It lasts to fill up approx. 3 minutes to creatine phosphate stored (this is the reason for the 2-3 minutes of rest period recommendation for force training). If the rest periods are less, you will determine, it give a decrease of the ability, heavy property to repeat, your body then begin in its coal hydrate memory (Glykogen) to type, in order to produce ATP. Creatine phosphate will be used still in the initial phase of the elevator/Sprint, but Glykogen will take over fast as energy source, there it not so much creatine phosphate for the order. Do not train so heavily that you sacrifice the muscle tension necessarily for growth. For the continuous exercise it repeats that no breaks to convert your body of cocks it has in fat depots (fat longest on the ATP but it offers compared with ATP the phosphate or Glykogen creatine) ATP to produce. The reason why I explain, the system for it bodies produce energy am is determine that the characteristics of the muscle fibers will the source of fuel your body can in tap water. If you carry more over muscle fibers of the type I characteristics it have less ability to use the creatine phosphate system for strength. The question, you to ask you know itself now: " Okay, thereby heart sinks strength, but I am still heavy lifting, that will not prevent that my muscles twitch fast to it, on slowly twitching characteristics? " With this question, only the answer, which can be given is that it depends on your genetic make-up. However, if you trained, in order to increase your Kraft and Macht; then you become with considerable security a decrease these two aspects, as you make places " Muscle fiber to (the characteristics, which do not change for muscle fibers) fits itself the new attraction of stationary to exercise. If you trained for the increase of the perseverance, then you become probably still from further at strength win profit. But no matter how one goes over it, you able will not be to maximise profits and simultaneous into force do stationary heart, because their muscles will adapt your potential for Kraft/achievement must itself go through the ways to limit. In a study at the University OF Illinois done, made them a comparison between 3 groups of athletes during one period of 10 weeks. There was a group, which did above all force training, a group, perseverance training and a group has that combined Kraft-und perseverance training. They found that with beginning of the study, which Kraft/perseverance, similar profits, around which strength had group. But toward end of the 10 weeks are they saw the strength and perseverance group plateau and decrease of their markers for strength
(5). The next question, which you have are: " Called isn't I perseverance will thus have, while I am always strong? " The answer to it is no. Steady state heart is to be avoided, during force training, Cardio not generally. Interval training to increase (accumulations of high intensive trainings with times of the peace or active recovery changed) is proven that heart cycle Fitness
(6). And with high intensities it also aid with the improvement of the maximum power
(7). Now speak in order to continue with our discussion, you let us about each endless props after structure of muscle and innumerable jacks, which would amount to constantly in addition weight and, the leap strength and throw their way by all rep. and during some the more advanced jacks could with them laugh, go through an elevator fast, during it also be may largely for the increase of Kraft, do not optimize you your profits at muscle mass. There are studies, the one high speed lifting for beginners and older Gewichtheber shows corresponds to a controlled cadence elevator for Hypertrophie
(8) been. However (the age span for studies is older must 60 years and) advanced athletes, not within the older age group to fall must keep in the back of the head that, while an increase of the muscle mass is to be increased it correlated with an increase of the strength, possible Kraft without increase of the muscle mass. Strength is large on the central nervous system in connection and can be through improved with overloading. Think of olympic the fact that its Kraft and must increase while still in the situation a weight makes class. This is the reason, why Periodisierung is so importantly for good training. Nearly each training programme of calls for you on the Pounds you try a riding along opportunity after a certain time to increase, and go through a phase, in your training, if one will concentrate on the increase their Kraft very importantly for this purpose. Will much research work was accomplished, particularly by Dr. Goldberg of the University OF London, those to a maximization of the distance and muscle tension for Hypertrophie (slow footstep frequency to go strict form, to sacrifice weight over through the full freedom of movement) the points (
9). " You of acres What You elevator! " Next time remembers in the Fitnessstudio. As it to a diet, is valid it concerns just as to your routine also. If your goal is, to become stronger, train not like a long-distance runner, and if it is your goal more largely nascently… considers you that 5 of the 7 olympic Gewichtheben classes is less than 200 £. Do not train so heavily that you the muscle tension is needed, around illegal growth, which look for your victims. Dustin Elliott is the leader Formulator for Betancourt nutrition..