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Program of DC Training

Program  of DC Training
If you should know already more than two articles, which I wrote, then you that I unorthodox training methods, which read Push and challenge for bodies and spirit in favor of. I believe firmly in the fact that this is the only way, over really largely too gotten and on your goals. From this perspective Dogg Crapp training (training also admits as DC) with security the correct. This unbelievably intensive program contains heavy weights progressively, smaller volumes/higher frequency of parts of the body trained, high intensity/remainder break training, extreme stretch, a protein-rich nutrition and Periodisierung (" Strahlen" and " Cruisen"). Here are the bases. Lower volumes/higher frequency In most training units you train each part of the body once per week do 3-4 different exercises per group of muscles. With DC, you only 1-2 exercises per group of muscles per day do training, but you meet each group of muscles twice every 8 days. The lower volume of exercises means that your body can itself recover faster, which makes again short turn-around times possible between the training units. Exercise rotation The basis program runs on a cycle meets each part of the body 2 times every 8 days. It is not complicated as, as it sounds - you begin 3 exercises for everyone of the different groups of muscles with commissioning out as follows: Chest, back (width), back (thickness), Deltas, Trizeps, Bizeps, lower arms and calves, thighs and Quads. They only one of these exercises per group of muscles per training unit, but then with the next exercise in the following training turn. Remember however that you thus do not want to deceive thereby each exercise 3 time to the total failure in each training, to imagine it are completely simple. Here is, which in such a way a sample routine could look:
* Monday: Chest, shoulders, Trizeps and backs (width and thickness).
* Wednesday: Bizeps, lower arms, calves, thighs and Quads.
* Friday: Chest, shoulders, Trizeps and backs (width and thickness).
* Monday: Bizeps, lower arms, calves, thighs and Quads. Thus you can see, how every 8 days by the individual part of the body twice has you radelte, another from each of the 3 exercises per training unit to have selected. Lead training diary remain organized and helping in the eye keep, where them itself in the training cycle. High Intensity/remainder break training DC training requires intensity. In order to begin, you have 2-5 warm UP sets (easier), before the first sentence is for the failure of 10-15 deep breaths, before another sentence up to the failure followed accomplished. This is again with 10-15 deep breaths and then a last sentence up to the failure before one for next exercise or followed muscular pains group. The goal is, on which elevation and descent with a controlled explode negatively from approximately 6-8 seconds. You must be mentally and physically preparatory, for remainder break training although there instead of to or two minutes break between the sentences, you is only peace for 20-30 seconds between everyone. Extreme Stretching Stretching is an important component Recovery process in DC of training. There are certain distances for the chest, Trizeps, Bizeps, shoulders, back, Quads, thigh and calves. " Strahlen" - Phase is 6-12 weeks of high intensity, all out training. Diet DC training nutrition is very rich at protein with a recommended income from between 1,5 to 2.0 gram per kilogram body weight. Periodisierung " Strahlen" - Phase is 6-12 weeks of high intensity, all out training by one " Kreuzfahrt" - Phase of 10-14 days maintenance training before the repetition of the cycle again on. One of the beautiful things over DC training is that it leaves much area for adjustments. For example, split in place of Monday - Wednesday - Friday -, you would know Monday Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday however training into 3 parts, in order to shorten your training courses (mad, if you got a hectic schedule). Day 1 would know also chest, shoulders and Trizeps. On the day 2 one could train Bizeps, lower arms and backs (width and thickness) and on day 3 one could work calves, thighs and Quads. That lowers your training data on approx. 35 minutes inclusive Stretching, but still you strike each part of the body twice in 9 days. A quantity of people has results following DC training program had. If you do it if you ready, really commit yourselves to make it correct its. DC training required that you your body as far as it can to go and then some push - which is, why it functioned. Around the best results, preparatory for it its, it got you everything gives and makes it a really intensive training postponing for a further representative, even if your body and spirit are crying its had " No! " If not, you will waste simply only your time.