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High Intensity Training

High Intensity Training
There are many different teachwares outside by new jumping up the whole time most is only " flashes in the Pfanne." Young ones are all over them one week and on something else to the next. High Intensity training (HIT) and volume training get both from already one while, but none is a flash in the pan. Everyone has many supporters of both bearings and to seem with the results gets it to be content. What is the difference between the two? Is one better than the other one? We throw a more exact view, and you can decide even. High Intensity training (HIT) High Intensity training (HIT) is since the 1970's. There are many variations, but altogether the which is the basis premise is the HIT that Gewichtheben meetings should briefly, intensively and rarely - in the reason it is with small volume/high intensity is. The supporters HIT believe that this the most effective way, in order to stimulate profits in both muscle power and size. From this perspective HIT makes sense, there wins at size and strength is " the result of the reaction of the body to; Stress" to lift the weights. In the original Inkarnation HIT, high intensive sentence up to the failure for each part of the body everything that was necessary, was done. Each training unit typically a universe complete body training accomplished three times in the week become. , Than to experiment with the routine began humans, it became later usually to do three sentences of each exercise (part of the body) for failure breaks the meetings in the torso/Unterkörper or similar combination. In all versions of HIT however there are some fundamental principles, which remain constant. In addition belong:
1. Each training must be intensive;
2. Each sentence will is accomplished up to the failure;
3. Each training should be more difficult than the preceding;
4. A suitable form is of substantial importance - each repetition is accomplished into a conscious, controlled way;
5. The training units should become less than one hour; 6. For each part of the body, 1 to 3 set and no more would drive out, and 7. The remainder is wichtig-don' t course more than 2-3 times per week. Volume training (VT) With volume training is appropriate the emphasis naturally on that for volume - not only in the number of sentences accomplished, but also in the number of training units per week. With HIT, you do only 1 to 3 sentences per exercise/part of the body, but in contrast to if you do, could VT one from a low from 12 to do, around an highest level of 24, 30 sets ore still more, per part of the body. Also with VT Workouts are frequent to 5 or 6 days per week. There are still different differences between the two also. For example, contrary to the slow, controlled movements of HIT, volume movements bend training explosively its, both slow and fast movements, depending upon exercise. Also, because you do more repetitions (higher volume), are the weight load in VT will be lower than in HIT. Finally because of the higher number of repetitions, VT rather " pump" to realize, as it with HIT. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed frequent volumes training. Thus considering the information specified above, one of these routines is better than the others? The correct answer is that  is not to be answered an excuse. First of all it partly comes on your type of body. Ectomorphs tendentious better on VT better than HIT. Ectomorphs are framed thin, easy and have long limbs. For these boys, it lasts longer, in order to win muscles than for your average mesomorph, usually the one more rectangular frameworks with more muscle mass. Many ectomorphs really need the longer training units and higher repetitions, in order to stimulate muscle growth. Turned around for most mesomorphs, is hit routine into larger profits will usually lead. Some other factors, your choice of routines to affect can belong to qualification level, force training of goals (you largely or only clay/tone UP want? Gotten), as much time needs to recover the body to train and how often it in the situation. It is also important to note that the key to long-term winning is in bodybuilding to remind that no individual routine becomes consistently for all work. As soon as muscles to a routine accustoms, it is time, which things mix and try something new out. If you made thus a 12-wöchigen cycle of the VT, can do you scolded you in reverse him with a hit cycle or. The quintessence is that these two routines emerge winners - it is, which it of one of them that became the difference machen' s make.