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Workout Mistakes

Workout Mistakes
Common training Fehler" a very popular topic was always in Fitness publications. But no matter, how often this topic gehasht again, you nearly always over the same half hear a dozen of errors, including bad form, over training, go too heavily, not stretching, not warmed up, yadda, yadda yadda. Ironically it to hear rarely over the largest errors of all. I these humongous bloopers " Fool Fehler" call, because if you to analyze and about it think, begin it, they are really only the healthy human understanding and them all seem as obviously… except natural, the person do it…, those often rather blindly, to someone otherwise implement them, them… then the light concern and it are as… " Doh! " Before I COUNT down begin, (in no certain order), there is still another hair in the soup I over the treatment with this topic in the past gave: Most the attention to the errors put, but very few on the solutions. It is all too easy with the finger and say: " Do nicht" and " Shame on you, Dummy" , but only 1% of your time should be spent on problems. 99% should be spent on solutions. Thus in this sense, after I bring each error to the knowledge, I become you solution-oriented training point as avoidance and the group of elite, which " Kick Butt" in the gymnasium with each training… Bonehead training error
# 1: " winging" " Winging": without the written goals or plans, no training magazine and no possibility, " taken in account hat." It is, if one emerges simply in the gymnasium day after day and does, what strike your fantasy, which happens machine at the order, or whatever you became are usually to do used. Winging it is, if you do not know, where you are, where you go or as you do not go there - however you begin your journey anyway - a compass, no Roadmap. It was said that " Action without planning is the largest cause of the Scheiterns" , and I believe, this statement am 100% exactly. Kick Butt Workout hint # 1: Development of a strategic plan Successful humans never " Wing it, " they have always a plan. Strategic planning is covered a process never ending and: Assessment (? Where am I now), objective (where I want?), Whereby a plan or a strategy (as I get where I want?), Would drive out the plan (which I must meet action steps daily to reach around my goal?) and results of measurement (as I become, if I on my goal move know and as I, if I reaches it?) experience. Boneheads " Wing sie." Butt kickers have a master plan and goals for each training. Bonehead training error # 2: Repetition of the same Workouts… without progressive overloading In a regard the same training is important again and again - it is called ". Kontinuität" Continuity meant that on an adaptive reaction (more muscles, more Kraft, fewer fats and all other good things) it arises, you must arise a repetition to certain modality or exercise consistently during a sufficiently long period, thereby the adaptive reaction and draw the full use (instead of changing exercises with each training). This kind of the repetition is good. The fool error is, if one does the same exercises, repetitions the same, same weight, same and more to do to week for week, without ever even more than you so far made. If you could speak their muscles, they would say: " Yawn…. That did that… we do not become simply only exactly the same to remain as we there are… a necessity, still more largely or more strongly today. " Kick Butt training hint
# 2: Endeavor your earlier training achievements strike yourselves Increased arise to muscle growth and Kraft, if you go requirements to your body beyond that, which experiences it in the past. Their body to this progressive overloading by ever more strongly around this kind of the demand in the future handle reacted. Their goal with nearly each training is it to strike goals which did you during the previous set. If you still more weights, it could not be as simple as a further repetition with the same weight or the same sentences/repetitions/weight in less time. It could mean also one minute of heart, a stage more highly on a stair riser or a half per cent of steep upward gradient on the run volume. Continuous and never ending improvement is the name of the play.