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Non-Linear Periodization

 Non-Linear Periodization
Since I about nonlinear Periodisierung in my articles constantly talk, I, I thought could write just as well an article over it. Let me first say that I was an enormous hit advocate for many, many years. I followed a Mike Mentzer " Heavy Duty" - Style of the training religiously for a long time. I have large Kraft out, the kind of the training, and little mass of winning and. But nothing can do the inexorable wins at size and strength I of nonlinear Periodisierung won to compare. What is NLP? I am safe, many of you the concept " Periodisierung" Their training belongs? It finds fundamental by different cycles of the training goes for a certain goal or a goal (e), like the avoidance of over training, or meets the specific strength goals, or perhaps to master certain exercise. NLP is a kind of training, which permits you too radeln Hypertrophie training with strength training of one week on beside the best " for your Geld" to receive from your training. Why NLP? I am safe, some from you ask: " OK ONE, Joe, I understands, what NLP is, but why should I, train over in this way? " The whole idea behind bodybuilding is to be won the size and strength. The simplest way to your success measure is from progression. The simplest way to the progression measure is by the increase of the firmness by more weights, repetitions or both. most athlete takes basic exercises very seriously and uses it each week in their routines. If you do Pound away on basic exercises like this, you a number on muscles, joints and the nervous system. But basic exercises are a Bodybuilder the best friend or? Yes, naturally. But if you liked, can slam away with knee bends week shut for week to try, weight to Forever… think again to think! It is more realistic and healing around your body for a break every two weeks, by using completely new dynamics into the trainings, and this more isolation exercises, or still basic exercises, but them into another property. How ton of DO NLP? With the structuring a NLP style of the training one must think first of the three large: 1 - Knee bends, 2 - and 3 cross lifting - bank printings (I prefer Hanteln). I prefer a group of muscles per day train, but you can have literally fight with this routine as much as you it Suite your needs how. Thus for arguments sake, we, you say will one Monday, Wednesday, to do Friday splitting. This is, like you IT-structure: Monday - chest, shoulders and Trizeps For chest, I believe, the ideal exercise am flat bank Kurzhantel bank printings. I believe, Hanteln am far superior as Hanteln for most parts of the body/exercises for a multiplicity of reasons. Thus, if you press Hantel flat have you first would do 3-4 progressively heavy warming up sets " bereit" too receive for the attack forwards. Here an example from my last power chest is training:
* 50 x 12' s
* 75 x of 5 friends
* 95 x of 4 friends
* 105 x of 4 friends Work set:
* 120' s x 5 - this is adjusted and should not fail hard the first work, but.
* 130' s x 5 - to close second work set and for failure.
* 145' s x 5 - attempts it, this error.
* 150' s x 4 - failure. It should 5, 5, 5, and on the last sentence 2. thus, which I next time do, is this two or three sentences with the 150 is for failure to a lower repetition range to induce. As soon as you begin your work set you 90-120 second between the sentences rest. I have always gladly a second sentence, where I unite strike Hypertrophie rep cover am enough also. Sometimes I make slope flying, 3 sets of x 10 repetitions and otherwise on the last 1-2 sets. For shoulders you such a thing as Push standing press, Arnold press this or hammer strength press. Also after that 5, 5, 5, 2 repetition ranges. And I like a few sentences of failure annexes and bent myself over side impulses as secondary movements to do. For Trizeps, a good choice are curved in the proximity grasp ez or, and I add in addition rope in as secondary movement. On Wednesday it is back and Bizeps and cross lifting is large on the bill of fare. They can do between conventional, Sumo, to select Trap bar or rack-dead. Because of the possible danger of injury on the admission of the lower position, as to be done I or Singles double on dead ones. A cross lifting training would look as follows:
* 135 x 10
* 185 x 8
* 225 x 6
* 275 x 4
* 315 x 1
* 365 x 1
* 420 x 1
* 480 x 1
* 555 x 1 - to close loss or. NLP Big 3 bank printings Yes, I did so many sentences before! It is crucial, around itself to warm up well! A good secondary movement would sit cable rows, 3 sets of x 5 otherwise on the last sentence, and ends with 1-2 sentences up to the failure on Klimmzüge. For Bizeps, Langhantelcurls or Kurzhantelcurls with 5, 5, 5, 2-Bereich and end with hammer Curls as secondary movement, 3 sentences with 12-15 repetitions should it do. On Friday its BIG of LEGS and that means, Big bath squats. It could before feasible squats like your connection to concentrate or also forges squats, but again knee bends is, where one on the weight heap. A Squat focus for river can look as follows:
* 45 x 20
* 95 x 20
* 135 x 10
* 185 x 8
* 225 x 6
* 275 x 4
* 315 x 5
* 365 x 5
* 405 x 5 - to close loss or.
* 455 x 2 - to close loss or. Further I would like to do and end Romanian cross lifting for Achilles' tendons with 3 sets of x 5. then should you few sentences for failure on leg distances and Beincurls and end with 3-4 sentences a Hackenschmidt Kniebeuge or a leg press. And for calves 10. presses perhaps 5 sets of toe on the leg press x. That worries about power weeks. Now in week 2, is the goal intensity. Without to certain, a good rule of thumb is, around as many sets as possible crimpings itself in one hour without burning out too much out. I always try the repetitions in the 10-15 range for the torso and 10-20 for the legs. I use supersets, fall sentences, static contraction and I have inclusion FST-7 in mix for ill pumps! , Your rest periods shorten and concentrate hit of the musculature from different angles on some deep disturbance always set and a mad pump however do not permit, the clock to go to past one hour. In the result I made the best profits in my life to do a NLP style of the training, bring it you unbelievably strongly, if you hold underlined principles. And this strength will spread your intensive week with that you more weights within the 10 repetition range, which growth will set in motion made possible. Feel, these training units free in 4 or 5 day Split really blow up yourselves each part of the body split, but try, area cross lifting out squat out like your legs and lower backs the striking take too much! Much luck ready and you make yourselves for some serious profits!