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Building Training Techniques

Building Training Techniques
Rep speed Rep speed is noted as a series of three numbers. The following examples show, how a speaker could appear recommended speed in a training:
* 2-1-2
* 2-0-6
* 4-1-6 These three numbers mean a time in seconds. The first number indicates, how long one should to last or concentric aspect of an elevator accomplish it rep. The second number advises you, how are enough, around the weight to hold contraction. The final number indicates, how long it should last, to you the weight to their zurückkehren' s starting position before beginning of another rep. this is the eccentric aspect the elevator. We look ourselves 2 examples:
* bank printings - for this example we become with 2-1-4 rep a speed. After unracking the weight, will it 4 seconds, in order to lower the bar to the chest. From this point you would take 2 seconds, until rep would drive through, and as soon as rep is final, regard the bar as one second before lowering it (under 4 seconds) again.
* Bar Bell Rows - for this example we become with 2-0-6 rep a speed. Differently than with bank printings, the Hantel line will start not with the lowering of the weight. Since this exercise begins you with the ground, becomes execution of a rep. Take 2 seconds, around the bar your belly range to pull immediately. The middle number a zero is, so that it not in possession rep with contraction. Smaller during 6 a second period, and you start the weight back on the ground then the second rep. It is not advisable to use a representative for the cross lifting speed. Under an unnatural height of the time to the small weight to lift an unreasonable load for the lower back can put. Pre exhaustion Pre exhaustion is the practice of the execution of an isolation exercise, before it to a connection elevator, that the same group of muscles of goals. The goal of Pre exhaustion is it, an isolation before tiredness a muscle raises, so that, if it a connection elevator that muscles must work harder, would drive through become. It is usual, but not necessary, before exhaustion in combination with an upper quantity. Here are some examples of pre exhaustion of several large groups of muscles:
* Quads
- leg distances (isolation exercise) by knee bends (basic exercise) followed.
* thighs
- put Curls (isolation exercise), followed from Romanian cross lifting (basic exercise).
* chest
- flying with Kurzhanteln (isolation exercise) through bank printings (basic exercise) followed.
* shoulders
- since lifting (isolation exercise) by military press (basic exercise) followed.
* back
- straight lines arm Lat Pulldown (isolation exercise) by Klimmzüge (basic exercise) followed.
* Trizeps
- Skullcrushers (isolation exercise), followed of closegrip bank printings (basic exercise). Poster creation Poster creation is an upper quantity of variation. With poster creation you lead 2 exercises for individual group of muscles of backs at backs - first a connection lift, and secondly an isolation elevator - with limited remainder in between the sentences. , And you exclude the goal of the poster creation to zermürben large group of muscles with heavy weight it if it is tired with an isolation elevator. Here are some effective poster creation examples:
* Chest poster creation
- bank printings with Kurzhantel flying followed.
* Back poster creation
- Langhantel lines followed of straight arm Latziehen.
* Shoulder poster creation
- next to each other Hantel annexes press military followed.
* Quad poster creation
- knee bends followed of leg distances.
* ' Kniesehne' Poster creation
- Romanian cross lifting by Beincurls followed.
* Trizeps poster creation
- close bank printings by Trizeps Pushdowns followed. An upper quantity is often 2 exercises for the same muscle back at backs. Superset An upper quantity is execution of 2 sets of 2 different exercises, without break between these sentences back. Isolation and connection of elevators for the same group of muscles can combine an upper quantity, two elevators connection for the same group of muscles, or antagonistic exercises for opposite groups of muscles. Examples of antagonistic groups of muscles cover backs and chest, Quads and thigh and Bauch-und lower back. Here some usual examples are supersets:
* chest
- isolation then Compound superset - leading you a sentence flying with Kurzhanteln and without rest, lead a set of bank printings.
* chest - Compound then Compound superset - leading it a sentence bank printings, and without rest, immediately a set of Dips or diagonal bank Kurzhantel bank printings.
* chest
- Compound then isolation superset - leading it a sentence bank printings, and without rest, immediately a set of flying with Kurzhanteln.
* Chest and back
- antagonistic superset - leading it a sentence bank printings, and without rest, immediately a row of Langhantel lines. Tri set A tri set is the execution of 3 sets of 3 different exercises back, over with no break between these sentences back. It functions in the same way as an upper quantity, but with an additional exercise. Most tri sets a goal of a group of muscles, and can be structured in different way:
* Connection, connection, isolation tri set
- this is a form of poster creation. As soon as the muscle with two bulligen basic exercises one worked, shift an easier separation movement in the end of the muscle. * Connection, connection, connection tri set - tripolarize Compound tri set can the hardest tri set variation will very probably take off. Their body will be extremely after two heavy basic exercises tired, and you will feel the pain
* Isolation, connection, connection tri set - this tri set is a variant Pre exhaustion. They a goal and weaken the primary group of muscles with an isolation exercise, and as soon as them were taxed, you can do it with two hammer connection elevators.
* Isolation, Compound, isolation tri set
- this tri set is a combination or Pre and poster creation exhaustion.
* Compound, isolation, Compound tri set - one could say that the isolation movement in this tri set functions both and Post-und Pre exhaustion exhaustion elevator for the final connection movement. The middle isolation exercise you know a light break of heavy weight during the continuation muscles burned.
* Isolation, isolation, isolation - three-way isolation a tri set is suitable well for smaller groups of muscles such as calves, Bizeps and Trizeps. This form the tri set could be used also as Finisher for larger groups of muscles. A drop set is comparable with a drop of superset set A drop set is comparable with an upper quantity that you would drive out several sentences are back, over with no break between these sentences back. With a drop set are you with only one movement. After you would not drive any longer can all repetitions out, or at the point, where you are with a certain weight tiredly, you immediately drop the weight downward and leads more repetitions. A drop set 3-4 altogether sets contained usually. In addition, drop puts well with Hantel or machine exercises, can with Langhantel work exercises, if you have an aide or has the plates before the hand are simply removed. In this case several small plates at the bar have, possibly 5' s and 10' s, instead of 25 or £ 45 plates. An example of drop sets: * Hantel Curl drop set - leading it a row of heavy Hantel curls with as many repetitions as possible. Without rest, you lay down yourselves these Hanteln and to snatch you lighter row of Hanteln. Begin a further sentence of curls, again execution as many repetitions as possible. Without rest, you lay down these Hanteln and to pack still another further set of lighter Hanteln. Lead your third group of curls. Here you can stop the drops set or far with a 4th sentence lighter curls. Giant set An enormous set consists of a consequence accomplished by 4 back exercises without break between the sentences back. While enormous sentence generally one uses, around individual group of muscles a goal can be structured it also in an antagonistic way, works two groups of muscles alternating. Due to the multiplicity of exercises involved, isolation and basic exercises in a multiplicity from possibilities can combine an enormous sentence to. Here are several enormous set examples:
* Chest Giant set
- bank printings, Pec Dec, chest Dips and diagonal bank Kurzhantel flying.
* Chest and back antagonistic Giant set
- bank printings, Langhantel rows, diagonal bank Kurzhantel bank printings, . Cluster set A cluster set is a large group of sentences (usually 5 to 10) with the same number of repetitions implemented and with the same weight. Cluster sets are often like that it structures limited and specific break between each of these sentences. The goal of a cluster fixed is to a muscle by the use of cumulative tiredness, repeats you the cycle or the execution of a small number of repetitions, by a relatively short rest period follows. With cluster set feel training at the beginning of the sentences often simple, and later sits down increasingly more with difficulty. Here are some examples of cluster