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Training Series
Franco Columbu, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler everything have somewhat together several different than Mr. Olympia title - they have BAKE! Largely, thickly, broadly bad backs. It is a part of the body seemed ever more important on the podium bodybuilding in the latter few decades has. If you do not possess a good back, then one also the second place can be content. Now we cannot do all in the possession an olympic back like these boys, but we know an impressing, v-conical, thickly and broadly musculature, who turn not only heads, but also equilibrium to bring and the strength of our entire torsos to develop. They " the term; strong Rücken" to hear and " Stretch your backs hinein" - there is something to it. The back consists of some largest muscles in the torso of the to trapezius and aids in nearly each motion, which we make of stabilization of our Torso during for bank printings on the support the Hantel during knee bends. The back is so importantly in our training still few really gives it the attention, which requires it. Many training will do but neglect innumerable sentences for the chest, equal trouble into the back to put. A reason may be that it is difficult to see, in standing before a mirror. Why train, which one cannot see, correctly? It does not surprise me so many in the gymnasium with large large breast muscles to see Bizeps and Quads only little for moving, Oberschenkel-und Trizeps show. Their shoulders are forward, because their to breast muscles draw delta muscles forward them the concave view rounded off. The back is not enough and/or correctly on the shoulders back pulls and gives relatively a view trained. The name of the play is the balance. They must that a balanced mass and Kraft, around an impressive, strengthen muskulös, figure to have. After balance makes possible to improve other ranges and helps you to avoid searches " frontlastig" from the side. Quick anatomy hour Do you want back thickness? Cross-lift! With numerous muscles, from those the back with difficulty it to be knows a little confusing, to which muscles which does, therefore leaves you to us a short view on it, which from the most important muscles of the back. Broad back muscle If you give the V-cones in demand, make " Lats" the largest part of the mass on the back. The triangular lat muscles extends of under the shoulders inserting from the Humerus downward to both sides the small of the back for the . Its main function is it, the shoulders downward and to the rear pulls. Teres major and Minor The Teres major is thick, flat muscle from the the lower angle of the Schulter blattes and employments in the medial lip of the Sulcus intertubercularis the Humerus. It adducts and medial rotates the arms. Rhomboid Major-und Minor The rhombic rhomboid large groups of muscles, those directly below the rhombic smaller employments the medial edge of the Scapula lies on. It holds the Schulterblatt to the thorax. Its task is it, the Schulterblatt brings in, pulls it toward the spinal column. Erector spinae iliocostalis, longissimus and spinalis muscles: This long muscles, will lead those along the Lendenwirbelsäule in three columns divided. They all together to work side bend and stretch the spinal column. Barn Door Action! Now, where you know a little over anatomy and function, leave to us into what makes a outstanding back deepens. The movements and expirations represented are sketched, in order to get the best from each journey into the gymnasium. Remember use, always well in form and not too much weight, around your security endanger. Wide Grip and narrow band grasp Klimmzüge: For the far grasp version use an extreme grip traction over shoulder width. Begin with your elbows easily bent, and you pull yourselves your to your chest, on cinching you together behind you. Arch your backs and press you then hard into the starting position with easy bend in return elbow again. This is looked for to develop, those for width and momentum into the upper Lats. For the narrow version with grasp of the bar with a grasp or curl with parallel grasp not more broadly than the shoulders, but at least six tariff between your hands. Pull in the same way as the far grasp pull up and lower even shortly before closing of your arms. This movement of goals the lower part lat you thickness, where it adds in the proximity of the Lendenwirbelsäule. Quick hit: If you have difficulties be used this movement do a good trick I may are a total number of repetitions to get to find - to say we times 40 - and try to reach that number, no matter how it lasts many sets. Possibly you receive on your first sentence, 8 to 10 on your second, 7 on your third. Drive to altogether 40. If you make three or four sentences in the situation, of 10 or 15 repetitions increase you your total number on 50 or like that are. Bar Bell numbers and T-bar of lines: This owners for the entire thickness of the back are regarded mass. For Hantel rows grasp of the bar over shoulder-broadly. If you bend yourselves over your attitude again in agreement with the hips and somewhat up parallel to the ground, draw the weight into the stomach and will print the weight. Lower the bar slowly and to repeat. Many training will do but neglect innumerable sentences for the chest, their backs. For T-bar lines follow the same guidelines, but do not try you not, the weight throw and round backs. Hold for the backs straight and do not leave the Lats the work not your Lenden. Quick hit: If you you are missing to mass within the upper range lat try you Langhantel lines with a broader grasp and pull into the lower breast range to find. They must reduce the weight, in order to keep good in form. Pulley and hammer machine lines: On something mass into the lower range luggage in the proximity of the Lendenwirbelsäule over really lat tries one these for size. For wheel rows with the knees sit easily bent and the torsos forward bent. At the same time you withdraw the grasp, during straightening your body that them perpendicularly on the ground. Squeeze your Schulterblätter together and pull you in your belly to treat. Repeat back to the starting position and. The beauty the hammer machine rows is that one a side at one time to work. Use the same principles as above and guarantee you, crimpings with withdrawing. Quick hit: If you ever the feeling brings to do unpleasantly Hantel to rows, broad grasp at a pulley-block a line cable and want shoulder-broadly (or more broadly) wheel rows instead of Langhantel lines. Parallel grasp and far grasp pulldowns: Nothing meets that teres muscles completely like the parallel grasp Pulldown. Grip a bar, the straight over the shoulder width is with an easy bend into the elbow. Pull the grasp downward into the center Brusthöhe and Squeeze hard. Back to feeling the weight your Lats pulls out the leading position upward. For to far grasp pulldowns grasp of the bar with upper grasp and, over your chest, upper level and back keep bended you downward draw your elbow and thus your entire shoulder belts with the weight rise. These are a great replacement for Klimmzüge. Quick hit: If you any movement Pull down try increase their shoulder belts into the starting position. As you pull downward, lower your shoulder to the rear and down and hold you your chest raus. Thus guaranteed, backs is fully occupied. and lat pulls: As two few of the isolation moved for sweaters back and pulls are outstanding suitable for from the backs. For lay perpendicularly on a bank with only the upper backs in the contact with the PAD and the head hang over the side. Grip of the inside of a Hantel directly over your chest with an easy to the Ellenbeuge. Smaller the weight back and behind the head in a sheet, to you at least in conformity with the head and with the Latissimus only, draw the weight starting position are. Pullups build upper lat width. For lat pulls stands before a Latzug or other overhead line machine. Grip a bar shoulder width, where the tension in your Lats over eye level. Draw the weight on the thighs, without your arms bend and press you the Lats hard. To repeat back to the eye level with the bar and. Quick hit: Each of these movements is great, if back exhaust uses as Pre before the remainder of your work. Of moderate repetitions it will do fast three sentences. Cross-lift: The Urvater of the back school: Cross-lift! This movement is particularly for the entire head to foot thickness for the back. If you put a bar to take on the ground and a shoulder grasp, bend at the knees hold for your backs straight. Lift the weight from the ground first with the legs and then stretch you back, until you stand yourselves upward straight. Bring the bar on the ground in the same (however opposite) mode. Quick hit: If you have difficulties, cross lifting does, tries you partial cross lifting to the ground. Put the bar in a bank