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Coach Potts Vol 1

Coach Potts Vol 1
Would it be a Kraft or Beweglichkeit becomes exercises, which to a meter 400/800 type sportsman would recommend you? Agility is not really an aspect of the Athletik, you sees much in the track-and-field events in such a way, in the interest of which effectiveness of the training, I will not say that is not real an aspect, which I selected one of my athletes would have focus up. That is, I was still used muscles to train the courses of motion multi-directional for Quer-und. This to muscles function and the support of the primary movers in 400/800 meter a meeting. If force training for those events, I to basic exercises such as knee bends the cross lifting focus and together with exercises for the rear chain like the glute ham would increase, Reverse hyper and Romanian cross lifting. I have also my athletes to train muscles ISO-laterally with exercises like the Longe, pistol, Reverse Longe and step UP. I make also reliably one day of dynamic training with olympia elevators belong as hang clean and plyometrics like a one-legged Sprint. Torso training is also necessary, but the main load that our focus is with the lower body half. Volume and intensity will vary naturally depending upon season and as close we are after season. How do I receive more Agilität, speed and speed for the LB/DE Position? My first advice would be, on which substantial ones concentrate. During many humans, around products such as speed/agility leaders do not bend I personally are a large fan. Leaders are for support teach coordination by specific movement samples (which could be useful as a warm UP before an actual training), but as general tools a slope I in addition, her evaluate small. As soon as the sample learned the ladders many more than short chopped off steps to strengthen, neither the step length or frequency to help the two most important components the speed. Mobility and speed are a by-product of the reaction ability and co-ordination. In order more agiler I may train muscles for this movement both in a force training and plyometric way used. In addition we could take over exercises like the lateral Ausfallschritt or Skater to jump during a training unit. Outside of the force area we work on Seiten-und multi-directional courses of motion with drills, like the pro Agility (also as short shuttles) together with different Wellen-und cone drill. For the improvement of the reactivity we add aspect of the process in what are open-chain drills, where the sportsmen a Agilität movement would drive through either through introduced or followed from a personal coach verbal or visual Cue must are called. An example for this would be W-and-hunt bores, where the athlete accomplishes a commercial W-Sprints, around a cone followed indicated by personal coach point. Which I generally stated that an athlete the speed lacking of the rule originates from one of the three things (or a combination of it), has I these " Big 3" called. In addition 1) a lack of strength, 2) one weak rate OF force production, and 3) terrible technology belong. Generally with the High School and college athlete younger the largest improvements can become by the increase of their strength levels, particularly in the rear chain over knee bends, cross lifting, glute Ham Raises Romanian cross lifting, etc. a sportsman usually thinking than a good basis lower body Kraft, if they are able to squat elevator of 1.5-2 time their body weight. At this point, if the athlete is still relatively slowly can one to begin look for weak rate OF force development. The athlete knows strongly like an ox, but it wood around like also? That is to be remembered that strong not always equivalent strong, high-strength levels mean a higher potential for the generation of current, it are not necessarily a matter of course. Thus the question is, the athlete in the situation will use, Kraft and Bewegung weight at high speed? Sportsman with a weak rate OF force development can improve this range by the training with Olympic elevators as cleans, snatches, and presses you to press. Since they can begin before it also to take up plyometrisches training to their program. The last range, technology, varied from sportsman to sportsman and can be concerned by an expert title or sport performance coach, but I to white always recommend that they begin with the work, their flexibility as a lack of flexibility to improve can the reason for their bad technology. Under 10-15 minutes, before in the bed a sportsman can often realize more, than her helps to stretch.