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Variable Split Training

Variable Split Training
I am often questions over the science that bodybuilding, training and nutrition asked. Most frequent questions turn like many days per week should someone, course, how should bring many repetitions per sentence and which kind of volumes training. Humans expect to sort me the facts and one size fits all solution for their qualification need. In the range of the training of the science there is a multiplicity of break-throughs in the last 50 years, and many contradictory data to go together with it. It seems, science and the material world not always by right. There is also the problem of the media introduced training programs. These some feature Steroid induced enormousness that all posed nicey nicey are with some weights train push it more than probably never saw, to this question came usually in printed form. This training becomes blindly from 1,000 ' s follow, until the next expenditure comes and the program for the next " große" Innovation with other looking similar figure changes. I am such information give not here, over, and I do not have photos on the basis the current Mr. Unigalixympia. These information about science and material world of results. The concepts are not my own. I investigated only and spread the work of the others. I am also sure that these information becomes with large enthusiasm is fulfilled, soon thereafter forget and of most. Why? Because it will have is individually adapted, in order to fulfill your specific needs. Due to the individual recovery samples must help you schematic you with your schedule to develop. Also this is not a typical Split, where you work each muscle the same days per week, itself constantly changed and the volume is dependent on which is trained and when. I have training program by the spreading of the hormoneal manipulation that the use of a program is not based on the results for many, but comfort learned. To follow this program will like HMT, is not easy, but I insure the results am far larger than the conventional methods. Thus, if you still interest a throwing we a view of it, which variable Split training (VST) on itself has. Variable Split training In order to understand, VST, must you first on the term " Spaltung" look used and like it in most traditional training methods. The term refers splits to your normal training plan, or like you you train your body in the course of the traditional 7 days per week. An example for the three days, was divided complete bodies training of the whole body each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On four-day split you torso can go Monday and Thursday and Unterkörper Tuesday and Friday. On view of six day Split you can train a muscle per day on the same day of each of the six days in the week with a day off. This is divided a traditional. Variable allocation means that program does not have restrictions, no or itself repeating sample. On traditional separation each Monday can backs and Bizeps become dedicated. On a variable allocation of this combination can be repeated only once all 10-12 training units. Each training on variable allocation is singular, chest and Trizeps daily, chest, shoulders and back another, or in the chest than solo training on another. The hierarchy of the system is not day specifically, but on the basis of independent muscle regeneration without consideration for muscle groupings or a certain day of the week. This program is to prevent, over training and Untertraining a muscle and a not comfort of its users developed. In VST the Recovery time for a muscle is judged independently of other factors and the recovery period is used, in order to plan the next training unit. This time is " as; absolute Optimum" Time for RH stimulation designates. The absolute Bestzeit exists, and VST is the only way, in order to take the advantages this time for each group of muscles. The absolute Bestzeit is the time between the training attraction (training) and the return to the homöostatischen condition (before training standard). Each muscle has one point of the over compensation, where another accumulation of training attractions (training) are planned best in such a way their at the beginning of the training bath tub curve. The training attraction results in fatigued muscles. The muscle exit is decreased for some time. To repair their body will sense this damage and made themselves on the muscle. The effect as answer to these damage for the body to repair muscles so that it is better, then for its original condition. This overrepair, change of the muscles more strongly and more largely is over compensation. The period of the over compensation will take only about 24-36 hours and will return then it slowly too its condition. This return to its earlier condition becomes than Involution, and once again into the original condition you the possibility, which advantages of the over compensation take point lost. If it the muscle hit on the point over compensation of the muscles in the situation to treat a larger load and with it higher profits. If you train, before this time know you over training and once will have you the your backs at place one back. The window of the opportunity VST is the only way, over effectively uses this time for each group of muscles.